Nontenure Line Faculty

The Nontenure Line Faculty (NLF) play an essential role in delivering curriculum and contributing to the culture of creativity and scholarship at Texas State University.

As of spring 2024, the Texas State University faculty included 1192 nontenure line faculty. These faculty are a pool of talent that enhance the quality of instruction, research, and service at Texas State University. 

AA/PPS 04.01.20 (4.04) lists the nontenure line faculty titles.

Bar Code for Reservation
Bar Code for Reservation
YOU and a guest are invited
to our upcoming
Nontenure Line Faculty Appreciation Lunch Reception
Thursday, April 17th, 2025  from 11 am – 1 pm
In Texas State University Avery Building, Room 256
on the Round Rock Campus.
Enjoy a break and conversation over lunch while you mix and mingle.
We will join together to network and celebrate
 with our colleagues, guests, and university leaders.
Brief Remarks, Thanks, and Recognition will occur during the event.
We kindly ask you to RSVP using the bar code or link no later than 4/4/25 by close of business, so we can best plan for appropriate food and beverage needs. 
We look forward to seeing you there!
two students studying

Nontenure Line Faculty Committee

Makes recommendations to the Senate regarding matters of importance to nontenure line faculty

Nontenure Line Faculty Workshop

A workshop for new nontenure line faculty with resources and practical tips to prepare for your first semester at Texas State University.

NLF Workload Release

The NLF Workload Release program (NLFWR) allows full-time nontenure line faculty to receive up to a six workload credit reduction to their normal semester teaching load to pursue curriculum development, or teaching improvement or research/creative projects.

PT Excellence in Teaching Award

All faculty members who taught less than full-time in the preceding calendar year are eligible to apply for the Part-Time Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award. One award may be bestowed in each academic college annually.