NLFWR - Application

The Faculty Senate strongly recommends that applicants discuss their proposal and the timing of their release request with their chair/director prior to applying for workload release. 

Applications will first be routed to the applicant’s chair/director. After the chair/director has provided the information requested on the application, the application will be forwarded to the college dean. The dean will submit completed application for review by the Nontenure Line Faculty Committee.

The online application will consist of:

1.  the requested application information

2.  a brief abstract (approximately 100 words) enumerating the specific goals of the workload release project;

3.  a 4000 character (approximately two double-space pages) statement providing a brief explanation of

a) the project
b) the merits of that project
c) the project methodology
d) how the project will benefit applicant’s teaching and/or scholarly/creative worke) how the project supports the goals of the department/school, college, and/or the university;

4.  a current curriculum vita using the Texas State vita format that evinces the applicant’s ability to carry out the project; and,

5.  a copy of the most recent written final report (and optionally, a one page update to this report) if applicant has previously received Nontenure Line Faculty Workload Release.


Additional information may be found in AAPPS 04.02.03


To submit an application for 2025-2026, visit the Faculty Requests portal between August 23, 2024, 8:00 am, through October 11, 2024, 5:00 pm.

Late applications will not be accepted.