NLFWR - Evaluation

A subcommittee of the Nontenure Line Faculty Committee (NLFC) with at least one representative from each academic college will review the submitted applications.

Applicants are encouraged to contact their respective college NLFC members during the review period (October 24 to November 16) to assure that their representatives fully understand the proposed project, and to provide any needed clarification. The NLFC, in a closed meeting, shall briefly discuss the merits of each application.

Each subcommittee member will evaluate all applications using the following rubric:

Nontenure Line Faculty Workload Release Application Rubric
A. Applicant’s proposal clearly describes in language appropriate for a generalist audience, activities that will enhance teaching or scholarly/creative activities. 0-7 points
B. The scope of the applicant’s project is commensurate with the release time requested. These activities should be beyond the scope of what can be achieved while carrying out the regular duties during a semester. 0-3 points
C. Applicant has described anticipated outcomes that will benefit the University, such as scholarly publication, presentation of creative work, creative development, or enhanced teaching skills. 0-4 points
D. Applicant has secured necessary financial, scholarly, technical, and other resources or agreements needed within the Workload Release period to carry out the project, including communication with any entities central to the proposal. * 0-2 points
E. Applicant has provided a curriculum vita that indicates the capability to carry out the proposed project. 0-3 points
F. Applicant has attached the report from the most recent Workload Release, which documents productive use of resources during the prior Workload Release. * 0-1 points
**Projects that do not require external agreements, or applications that are from faculty without previous Workload Release, will be assigned full points in these categories so that point totals are not skewed.

The average of all reviewers’ ratings on each applicant will determine whether the application merits recommendation for approval. Applications with a composite score of 10 or more points will then be ranked by the NLFC. The highest ranked proposals up to a total of 108 workload credits for the academic year will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate for approval.

Notification of the Senate's endorsement of the NLFC recommendations for funding will be routed to the applicant, the chair/director, dean and Provost no later than December 15. In the event that a proposal is not recommended, feedback will be provided to assist the applicant in understanding the reasons for the decision. Except as provided above, the reviewers' discussion and rankings are confidential and will not be released to other parties.